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Busing Form

Bussing Form


Please complete the form below. Required fields marked with an asterisk *

Please use this form to indicate that your student lives outside the city of Ipswich, and that you wish to have the bus transport them to and/or from school.

Parent/Guardian Contact Information

Days and Times of Busing Requested: Please check all those that apply:*
Answer Required
For Ipswich Public School Use Only:
Answer Required

Denied for the following reason:

____  Not along the public school route

____  Not of age for public school transportation


Please note:

13-29-1.2 Transportation for non-public school students - Conditions. School districts may provide transportation to nonpublic school students if no additional public funds are expended to provide the transportation.  No school district, however, is required under this section to provide transportation to nonpublic school students.  This section does not affect the transportation of any eligible student pursuant to an individualized education plan. Source: SL 2003, ch 102

Ipswich Public School does not provide busing for preschool students.

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