The Ipswich School District will be using a school messenger service for unexpected dismissals, absence calls, and special announcements. We will have a central data bank of phone numbers and email addresses that allows school messenger to notify parents of cancellations due to inclement weather, student absences and other emergencies. The number on file are those where you would like to be contacted at. You may have three phone numbers and two email addresses in the data bank. Cancellations will also be posted on television and radio stations.
If three phone numbers and two email addresses are not sufficient or you have any questions please call school at 426-6571 or 426-6832.
Please return the form with your name, phone numbers, and email address you would like entered in the central data bank. If you fill in the other phone numbers, please indicate where the call is going (grandparents, daycare provider, work, etc)
Thank you,
School Administration