Mr. Mathew Pollock » Questions to Ask Kids About Their Day

Questions to Ask Kids About Their Day

  1. What was your favorite part of the day?
  2. What was your least favorite part of your day?
  3. What was the funniest thing that happened today?
  4. What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
  5. What was the best thing in your lunch today?
  6. Who did you play with today?
  7. What did you read about today?
  8. Which subject was most interesting today?
  9. Who did you sit next to at lunch?
  10. Who can you say thank you to today?
  11. What is something kind you did today?
  12. How would you rate your day on a scale of 1 to 10 and why?
  13. What was something interesting that you learned today, either in class or outside?
  14. What special activities were part of today? Explain what is different about those activities compared to your normal classes. 
  15. What was something active that you did today? Do you wish you had more activity or was it too much (or just the right amount)
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Mr. Mathew Pollock
Elementary/Colony Principal, Title I Director, Head Golf, Asst. FB Part-time
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