Business Manager » Business Manager, Robin Wolff

Business Manager, Robin Wolff


Business Manager Wolff


The Business Manager is to account for and record the business affairs of the District in such a way as to provide the best possible educational service with the financial resources available. The Business Manager will keep the necessary records to facilitate sound fiscal management of the School District and advise the District Administrator and School Board on business affairs.  Other responsibilities include being the Food Service Director and to oversee payroll and accounts payable functions of the staff.








school lunch sign with green apple

  • Check the parent portal for your child(ren)'s current lunch account balance.
  • If your child has graduated or withdrawn from the school district and left a balance in their cafeteria meal account, you may request a refund or transfer the balance to another sibling.
  • Year-end lunch balances are carried over to the next school year unless a refund is requested.
  • FREE & REDUCED PRICED MEAL APPLICATIONS can be picked up at the elementary, high school, and business offices.  We encourage you to apply.



Contact Information:

Phone: 605-426-6561/FAX: 605-426-6029/P.O. Box 306/Email: [email protected]